
Compliant and secure digital document signing for all Nordic financial institutions

Together with Signicat, one of the Nordic region's largest IT suppliers to the financial sector, we have for almost a decade been collaborating on digital document signing via the SigningOne solution.

The collaboration was extended at the beginning of 2024, and the trend from previous years is expected to continue: Continued growth in the number of signings by SDC banks' customers across the Nordic region. The growth reflects the increasing acceptance of and trust in digital transactions, supported by strong security measures and compliance standards.

Powerful solution for banks
Rasmus Lundgreen is Department Manager in the Self-Service Processes department at SDC, where the collaboration with Signicat is based. He says:

"With Signicat as our supplier, we have for several years been able to offer banks a compliant, secure and cost-effective signing solution of customer documents. The solution is called SigningOne and enables, through integration with the national eID’s as MitID, BankID and Samleikin, a safe and secure document signing of, for example, mortgages and credit card applications for the banks' customers.

In simple terms, SigningOne is the engine behind the digital signature room in bank customers' online and mobile banking – an engine that makes it possible to retreive documents from multiple providers and systems for digital signing, making the signing process easy, secure and user-friendly for both the advisor and customer. Fully digitized solutions like this are crucial for banks looking for competitive IT solutions that can be seamlessly integrated into their systems," says Rasmus Lundgreen.

Rasmus Kristiansen Signicat_Rasmus Lundgreen SDC
Rasmus Kristiansen, Signicat and Rasmus Lundgreen, SDC.

Strong suppliers and cross-Nordic solutions
An important element in SDC's strategic work is partnerships with strong suppliers who can make cross-Nordic solutions available to the banks in the SDC community. SDC's open core banking platform enables integration of these third-party solutions, which contributes to more cost-effective development and thus strengthened competitiveness of both SDC and customers.

"The signing solution behind SigningOne is one of the technical flagships at Signicat, and we are very proud that a strong partner like SDC has chosen to consolidate signings for all their banks across the Nordic region with us – thus helping to strengthen the continued development of our signing platform.

SigningOne now handles close to 4 million documents annually via SDC - a number that is steadily increasing year by year as the solution gains more and more relevance among the banks in the SDC community. We are proud to contribute to this and also to bring secure digital services closer to end users",
concludes Rasmus Kristiansen, Country Manager of Denmark at Signicat.

Partnership expanded at Digital Identity Summit
SDC's involvement in the Digital Identity Summit, hosted by Signicat on 11 April 2024 in Copenhagen, strengthened the collaboration between the parties. The conference aimed to delve into emerging trends in digital identity and address the impact of identity fraud and the misuse of AI on both organizations and individuals.

About Signicat

Signicat is a leading, pan-European digital identity company with an unparalleled track record in the world's most advanced digital identity markets. Founded in 2006, Signicat's mission is to build technology that enables people to trust each other in a digital world. Their digital identity platform provides the most comprehensive suite of identity verification and authentication systems in the world, all easily accessible through a single point of integration. The platform easily supports and orchestrates the entire identity journey, from authentication and onboarding to login and consent, as well as entering into legally binding business agreements.