A part of SDC since 2014
March 1963
Creation of SDC. 60 years ago in Copenhagen SDC was founded as Sparekassernes Datacentraler (Savings Banks Data Centres) marking the beginning of our company.
September 2014
Creation of SDC Poland. In 2014 SDC Poland was founded. It started with only 4 consultants, but that was just the beginning.
April 2016
A 100 consultants onboard! We are always glad to welcome new colleagues in our company so that was a very important moment for us.
October 2019
Our team reached 200 colleagues.
March 2022
We welcomed 300th team member at SDC Poland! In just 8 years our company has grown from 4 to 300. We continue our development and mission to bring best banking experiences to Scandinavian clients.